Level Type Spec Slot Name
378AxeMeleeOne-HandBlackcleave Chopper
391AxeMeleeOne-HandBlackcleave Chopper
391AxeMeleeTwo-HandSkullstealer Greataxe
397BowPhysical DPSRangedArathar, the Wings of Flame
391CrossbowPhysical DPSRangedArbalest of Erupting Fury
391DaggerMeleeOne-HandAlysra's Razor
391DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandFeeding Frenzy
378DaggerSpell DPSMain HandChelley's Sterilized Scalpel
391DaggerSpell DPSMain HandChelley's Sterilized Scalpel
378GunPhysical DPSRangedLava Bore Blunderbuss
391GunPhysical DPSRangedLava Bore Blunderbuss
397MaceSpell SpiritMain HandHammer of the Firelord
391Off-HandSpell DPSOff-HandTome of Grim Binding
391Off-HandSpell SpiritOff-HandFlamewrought Abalone Shell
378PolearmPhysical DPSTwo-HandRanseur of Hatred
391PolearmPhysical DPSTwo-HandRanseur of Hatred
391StaffPhysical DPSTwo-HandFandral's Flaming Spire
378StaffSpell DPSTwo-HandSpire of Scarlet Pain
391StaffSpell DPSTwo-HandFuneral Pyre
391StaffSpell DPSTwo-HandSpire of Scarlet Pain
391SwordSpell DPSMain HandVolcanospike
391SwordTankOne-HandMandible of Beth'tilac
391ThrownMeleeThrownMorningstar Shard
391ThrownTankThrownDeflecting Star
391WandSpell DPSRangedGlowing Ember Wand
391WandSpell DPSRangedStinger of the Flaming Scorpion
391WandSpell SpiritRangedPhoenix-Feather Wand
391ShieldSpell SpiritOff HandWard of the Red Widow
391ShieldTankOff HandShard of Torment
391PlateMeleeChest Battleplate of the Molten Giant
391PlateMeleeChestCarapace of Shifting Visions
391PlateMeleeChest Elementium Deathplate Breastplate
391PlateMeleeChest Immolation Battleplate
391PlateMeleeHands Elementium Deathplate Gauntlets
391PlateMeleeHandsFireskin Gauntlets
391PlateMeleeHands Gauntlets of the Molten Giant
391PlateMeleeHands Immolation Gauntlets
391PlateMeleeHead Elementium Deathplate Helmet
391PlateMeleeHead Helmet of the Molten Giant
391PlateMeleeHead Immolation Helmet
391PlateMeleeHeadNestheart Greathelm
391PlateMeleeLegs Elementium Deathplate Greaves
391PlateMeleeLegsFlightflame Legplates
391PlateMeleeLegs Immolation Legplates
391PlateMeleeLegs Legplates of the Molten Giant
391PlateMeleeShoulder Elementium Deathplate Pauldrons
391PlateMeleeShoulder Elementium Deathplate Shoulderguards
391PlateMeleeShoulder Immolation Pauldrons
391PlateMeleeShoulder Immolation Shoulderguards
391PlateMeleeShoulder Pauldrons of the Molten Giant
391PlateMeleeShoulder Shoulderguards of the Molten Giant
391PlateMeleeWaistCinch of the Flaming Ember
391PlateMeleeWaistUncrushable Belt of Fury
391PlateMeleeWristEarthcrack Bracers
391PlateMeleeWristGigantiform Bracers
391PlateSpell DPSHands Immolation Gloves
391PlateSpell DPSWaistSearing Slice Girdle
391PlateSpell SpiritChestClutch of the Firemother
391PlateSpell SpiritChest Immolation Breastplate
391PlateSpell SpiritFeetTreads of the Penitent Man
391PlateSpell SpiritHandsGrips of the Raging Giant
391PlateSpell SpiritHeadCasque of Flame
391PlateSpell SpiritHead Immolation Headguard
391PlateSpell SpiritLegs Immolation Greaves
391PlateSpell SpiritLegsLegplates of Absolute Control
391PlateSpell SpiritShoulder Immolation Mantle
391PlateSpell SpiritShoulderSpaulders of Manifold Eyes
391PlateSpell SpiritWristBracers of Imperious Truths
391PlateSpell SpiritWristBracers of the Dread Hunter
391PlateTankChest Chestguard of the Molten Giant
391PlateTankChest Elementium Deathplate Chestguard
391PlateTankChestFlamescarred Carapace
391PlateTankChest Immolation Chestguard
391PlateTankFeetCracked Obsidian Stompers
391PlateTankHands Elementium Deathplate Handguards
391PlateTankHandsFlickering Handguards
391PlateTankHands Handguards of the Molten Giant
391PlateTankHands Immolation Handguards
391PlateTankHead Elementium Deathplate Faceguard
391PlateTankHead Faceguard of the Molten Giant
391PlateTankHeadHelm of Blazing Glory
391PlateTankHead Immolation Faceguard
391PlateTankLegs Elementium Deathplate Legguards
391PlateTankLegs Immolation Legguards
391PlateTankLegs Legguards of the Molten Giant
391PlateTankLegsLegplates of Frenzied Devotion
391PlateTankShoulderSpaulders of Recurring Flame
397PlateTankShoulderSpaulders of Pure Flame
391PlateTankWaistGirdle of the Indomitable Flame
391PlateTankWristBracers of Regal Force
391PlateTankWristBracers of the Fiery Path
391MailMeleeChest Erupting Volcanic Cuirass
391MailMeleeShoulder Erupting Volcanic Spaulders
391MailPhysical DPSChest Flamewaker's Tunic
391MailPhysical DPSChestFlaming Core Chestguard
391MailPhysical DPSHands Erupting Volcanic Grips
391MailPhysical DPSHands Flamewaker's Gloves
391MailPhysical DPSHandsGrips of Unerring Precision
391MailPhysical DPSHead Erupting Volcanic Helmet
391MailPhysical DPSHead Flamewaker's Headguard
391MailPhysical DPSHeadScalp of the Bandit Prince
391MailPhysical DPSLegs Erupting Volcanic Legguards
391MailPhysical DPSLegsFireflight Leggings
391MailPhysical DPSLegs Flamewaker's Legguards
391MailPhysical DPSShoulder Flamewaker's Spaulders
391MailPhysical DPSShoulderSeared Chitin Shoulders
391MailPhysical DPSWaistFirearrow Belt
378MailPhysical DPSWristHide-Bound Chains
391MailPhysical DPSWristBracers of Forked Lightning
391MailPhysical DPSWristHide-Bound Chains
391MailSpell DPSChest Erupting Volcanic Hauberk
391MailSpell DPSHands Erupting Volcanic Gloves
391MailSpell DPSHead Erupting Volcanic Headpiece
391MailSpell DPSLegs Erupting Volcanic Kilt
391MailSpell DPSShoulderCraterflame Spaulders
391MailSpell DPSWaistGirdle of the Flaming Foothold
391MailSpell SpiritChest Erupting Volcanic Tunic
391MailSpell SpiritChestGatekeeper's Embrace
391MailSpell SpiritFeetTreads of Implicit Obedience
391MailSpell SpiritHandsEgg-Clutch Gauntlets
391MailSpell SpiritHands Erupting Volcanic Handwraps
391MailSpell SpiritHead Erupting Volcanic Faceguard
397MailSpell SpiritHeadCrown of Flame
391MailSpell SpiritLegs Erupting Volcanic Legwraps
391MailSpell SpiritLegsThoracic Flame Kilt
391MailSpell SpiritShoulder Erupting Volcanic Mantle
391MailSpell SpiritShoulder Erupting Volcanic Shoulderwraps
391MailSpell SpiritWristBracers of Misting Ash
391MailSpell SpiritWristCauterizing Wristbands
391LeatherWristFlickering Wristbands
391LeatherMeleeChest Dark Phoenix Tunic
391LeatherMeleeChest Obsidian Arborweave Raiment
391LeatherMeleeHeadVision of the Flaming Skull
378LeatherMeleeWaistRiplimb's Lost Collar
391LeatherMeleeWaistRiplimb's Lost Collar
391LeatherMeleeWristFlamebinder Bracers
391LeatherPhysical DPSChestDemon Lord's Wing
391LeatherPhysical DPSFeetSandals of the Flaming Scorpion
391LeatherPhysical DPSHands Dark Phoenix Gloves
391LeatherPhysical DPSHandsGloves of Dissolving Smoke
391LeatherPhysical DPSHands Obsidian Arborweave Grips
391LeatherPhysical DPSHead Dark Phoenix Helmet
391LeatherPhysical DPSHead Obsidian Arborweave Headpiece
391LeatherPhysical DPSLegsCinderweb Leggings
391LeatherPhysical DPSLegs Dark Phoenix Legguards
391LeatherPhysical DPSLegs Obsidian Arborweave Legguards
391LeatherPhysical DPSShoulder Dark Phoenix Spaulders
391LeatherPhysical DPSShoulder Obsidian Arborweave Spaulders
391LeatherPhysical DPSShoulderShoulderpads of the Forgotten Gate
391LeatherPhysical DPSWaistFlamebinding Girdle
391LeatherSpell DPSChest Obsidian Arborweave Vestment
391LeatherSpell DPSHands Obsidian Arborweave Handwraps
391LeatherSpell DPSHead Obsidian Arborweave Cover
391LeatherSpell DPSShoulder Obsidian Arborweave Shoulderwraps
391LeatherSpell DPSWaistFirescar Sash
391LeatherSpell SpiritChestIncendic Robes
391LeatherSpell SpiritChest Obsidian Arborweave Robes
391LeatherSpell SpiritFeetPhoenix-Down Treads
391LeatherSpell SpiritHandsCindersilk Gloves
391LeatherSpell SpiritHands Obsidian Arborweave Gloves
391LeatherSpell SpiritHeadCowl of the Clicking Menace
391LeatherSpell SpiritHead Obsidian Arborweave Helm
391LeatherSpell SpiritLegsFirecat Leggings
391LeatherSpell SpiritLegs Obsidian Arborweave Leggings
391LeatherSpell SpiritLegs Obsidian Arborweave Legwraps
391LeatherSpell SpiritShoulderFlickering Shoulderpads
391LeatherSpell SpiritShoulder Obsidian Arborweave Mantle
391LeatherSpell SpiritWristGlowing Wing Bracers
391LeatherSpell SpiritWristScorchskull Bindings
391ClothSpell DPSChest Balespider's Robes
391ClothSpell DPSChest Firehawk Robes
391ClothSpell DPSChestSpiderwoven Robes
391ClothSpell DPSFeetEmberskip Sandals
384ClothSpell DPSHandsFirehawk Gloves
391ClothSpell DPSHands Balespider's Handwraps
391ClothSpell DPSHands Firehawk Gloves
397ClothSpell DPSHandsFirehawk Gloves
391ClothSpell DPSHead Balespider's Hood
391ClothSpell DPSHead Firehawk Hood
391ClothSpell DPSHead Hood of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell DPSLegs Balespider's Leggings
391ClothSpell DPSLegs Firehawk Leggings
391ClothSpell DPSLegsLeggings of Airy Flame
391ClothSpell DPSLegs Leggings of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell DPSShoulder Balespider's Mantle
391ClothSpell DPSShoulder Firehawk Mantle
391ClothSpell DPSShoulderMantle of Closed Doors
391ClothSpell DPSShoulder Shoulderwraps of the Cleansing Flame
384ClothSpell DPSWaistGirdle of Flame
391ClothSpell DPSWaistEmbereye Belt
397ClothSpell DPSWaistGirdle of Flame
391ClothSpell DPSWristEmberflame Bracers
391ClothSpell DPSWristWristwraps of Demarcation
391ClothSpell SpiritChest Robes of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritChest Vestment of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritHands Gloves of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritHands Handwraps of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritHead Cowl of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritHeadVision of Flickering Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritLegs Legwraps of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritShoulder Mantle of the Cleansing Flame
391ClothSpell SpiritWristFiresoul Wristguards
391FingerMeleeFingerAlysrazor's Band
391FingerMeleeFingerSerrated Brimstone Signet
391FingerPhysical DPSFingerSplintered Brimstone Seal
391FingerPhysical DPSFingerWidow's Kiss
391FingerSpell DPSFingerCrystalline Brimstone Ring
391FingerSpell DPSFingerHeartspear Ring
391FingerSpell SpiritFingerSoothing Brimstone Circle
378FingerTankFingerStalwart Ember Seal
391FingerTankFingerDeflecting Brimstone Band
391FingerTankFingerStalwart Ember Seal
391NeckMeleeNeckFirebound Gorget
391NeckMeleeNeckNecklace of Fetishes
391NeckMeleeNeckStoneheart Choker
391NeckPhysical DPSNeckFlamesign Necklace
397NeckPhysical DPSNeckChoker of the Vanquished Lord
391NeckSpell DPSNeckFiremind Necklace
391NeckSpell DPSNeckFlowform Choker
391NeckSpell SpiritNeckFiremind Pendant
391NeckSpell SpiritNeckHeartstone of Ryolith
391NeckTankNeckStoneheart Necklace
365TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketAella's Bottle
391BackMeleeBackBladed Flamewrath Cloak
391BackPhysical DPSBackDreadfire Drape
391BackPhysical DPSBackSleek Flamewrath Cloak
391BackSpell DPSBackLightwing Cloak
391BackSpell DPSBackRippling Flamewrath Cloak
391BackSpell SpiritBackFlowing Flamewrath Cloak
391BackTankBackDurable Flamewrath Cloak
1JunkLava Ruby
1JunkRed Ash
85JunkCrystallized Firestone
85JunkZen'Vorka's Cache
378JunkHelm of the Fiery Conqueror
378JunkHelm of the Fiery Vanquisher
378JunkMantle of the Fiery Conqueror
378JunkMantle of the Fiery Vanquisher
391JunkChest of the Fiery Conqueror
391JunkChest of the Fiery Vanquisher
391JunkCrown of the Fiery Conqueror
391JunkCrown of the Fiery Vanquisher
391JunkGauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror
391JunkGauntlets of the Fiery Vanquisher
391JunkLeggings of the Fiery Conqueror
391JunkLeggings of the Fiery Vanquisher
391JunkShoulders of the Fiery Conqueror
391JunkShoulders of the Fiery Vanquisher
40MountFlametalon of Alysrazor
30PetBrilliant Kaliri
391RelicMeleeRelicDoomflame Fetish
391RelicPhysical DPSRelicHardheart Relic
391RelicSpell DPSRelicSoulflame Vial
391RelicSpell SpiritRelicFirebinder Relic
391RelicTankRelicDeathclutch Figurine