Уважаемые игроки,
Рад вам сообщить, что сегодня 01.08.2011, был проведён Update < WOTLK >
Основные изменения:
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Icecrown Citadel:
* Lord Marrowgar: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Blood Queen Lan`Thel: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Deathbringer Saurfang: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Blood Prices: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Professor Putricide: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Rotface: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Sindragosa: : Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Lich King: : Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Valithria Dreamwalker: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Instance/Zone: Script Update: Issues/Reports
* Paladin: Judgement of Justice,
http://www.wowdata.ru/spell.html?id=53407 * Shaman: Polymorph and Grounding Totem
* Priest: Inner Fire,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=588 * Druid: Ferocious Bite:
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=22568 * Druid: T10 Balance 2P Bonus
* Druid: T10 Feral 4P Bonus
* Rogue: T10 4P Bonus
* Rogue: Shadowstep,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=36563 * Mage: Deep Freeze,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=44572 * Shaman: Healing Stream Totem,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=5394 * Rogue: Envenom,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=32645 * Warrior: Sweeping Strikes,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=12328 * Warrior: Bladestorm,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=46924 * Rogue: Tricks of the Trade,
http://www.wowhead.com/spell=57934 * Death Knight: Scourge Strike,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=55090 * Plant Chieftain's Totem,
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=56765 Battlegrounds/Arenas:
* Ring of Valor: Zone/Script Update (Fire)
* Isle of Conquest, "Issues/Reports"
* OutdoorPvP: Wintergrasp: Zone/Script Update
* Eye of Storm: Zone/Script Update (Flag)
* Operation Gnomegan: CrashFIX!
Anti-Cheating System:
* Possible CrashFIX!
* A Few Good Gnomes,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25229 * Basic Orders,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25199 * Vent Horizon,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25212 * In and Out,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25285 * Words for Delivery,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25287 * One Step Forward...,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25289 * Press Fire,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25295 * Prepping the Speech,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25283 * Words for Delivery,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25286 * Words for Delivery,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25500 * Forging An Alliance,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12924 * Laying Waste to the Unwanted,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=10078 * Adding Injury to Insult,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12481 * March of the Giants (Alliance),
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=11355 * March of the Giants (Horde),
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=11365 * Call to Arms: Arathi Basin,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=11335 * Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=11337 * Call to Arms: Alterac Valley,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=11336 * Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=14163 * Uncovering the Tunnels,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12003 * Brains! Brains! Brains!,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=11301 * Reconnaissance Flight,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12671 * Just Following Orders,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12540 * They Took Our Men!,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12843 * The Sub-Chieftains,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=11907 * Data Mining (Alliance),
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12860 * Data Mining (Horde),
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12927 * The Tome of Divinity (Alliance, Human),
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=1781 * The Tome of Divinity (Alliance, Human),
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=1786 * Redemption (Alliance, Draenei),
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=9600 * Trapping the Light Fantastic,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=10674 * See You on the Other Side,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12121 * That Which Creates Can Also Destroy,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12459 * Foolish Endeavors,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11705 * Untold Truths,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11614 * To Bor'gorok Outpost, Quickly!,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12486 * Shrouds of the Scourge,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11628 * The Fall of Taunka'le Village,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11929 * Farseer Grimwalker's Spirit,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11635 * Load'er Up!,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11881 * The Power of the Elements,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11893 * Patching Up,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11894 * Scouting the Sinkholes,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11684 * Ride to Taunka'le Village,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11888 * The Defense of Warsong Hold,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11595 * The Defense of Warsong Hold,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11596 * The Defense of Warsong Hold,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11597 * Death's Door,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=10910 * A Few Good Gnomes,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=25229 * The Prophecy of Akida,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9544 * Bombing Run,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11010 * Bombing Run,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11102 * Arelion's Mistress,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9472 * Just Following Orders,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12540 * Distortions in Time,
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=13038 Items:
* Shaman: Glyph of Healing Stream Totem,
http://old.wowhead.com/item=41533 * Motivate-a-Tron,
http://old.wowhead.com/item=52566 * Druid Signal,
http://old.wowhead.com/item=31763 * Multi-Spectrum Light Trap,
http://old.wowhead.com/item=30852 * Symbol of Life,
http://old.wowhead.com/item=6866 NPCs:
* The Chieftain's Totem,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=30444 * Stillpine Captive,
http://www.wowhead.com/npc=17375 * Narm Faulk,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=6177 * Henze Faulk,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=6172 * Young Furbolg Shaman,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=17542 * Twonky,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=25830 * ED-210,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=25831 * Max Blasto,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=25832 * The Grinder,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=25833 * Deranged Explorer,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=23967: * East Building,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=26470 * North Building,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=26468 * Encased Electromental,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=21731 * Electromental,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=21729 * Lorelae Wintersong,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=12022 * Dregmar Runebrand,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=27003 * Deathforged Infernal,
http://old.wowhead.com/npc=21316 Game Mech.:
* FPS "Issue/Report"
* .server info Command. Avoid SPAM!
* parsed 8 Crash dumps.
Thank you to Trinity Community, YTDB Community, Myth Project Team, and other Contributors
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